Training & Development

Our in-house designers and developers at Mlambe are able to assist in your organization's training needs assessment, design the appropriate training program that suits your needs, develop the program and facilitate the training. We understand that training and development plays a pivotal role in organizations. It is through training and development that you improve the performance of your team and ensure growth in your business.

Team Building

" You can buy a man`s time. You can buy his physical presence at a given place. You can even buy a measured number of his skilled muscular motions per hour. But you can not buy loyalty. You can not buy the devotion of hearts, mind, souls. You must earn these." Clarence Francis

Top performing and effective organizations have since realized that no matter how good their policies, procedures, strategies and structures, if there is no commitment from their teams, none of it will suffice. Building teams that can with stand the test of time is an art we at Mlambe, have mastered. Invite us and allow us to capacitate your team on how to unleash new energy and increase the level of trust as they adapt to the challenging new set of rules in today`s global environment.

Customer Relationship Management training

"A customer is the most important visitor on our premises. He is not dependent on us, we are dependent on him. He is not an interruption of our work, he is the purpose. He is not an outsider to our business, he is part of it. We are not doing him a favor by serving him, he is doing us a favor by giving us the opportunity to do so." Mahatma Ghandi

We truly believe that excellent customer service can transform the nature of your business across all industries. Either your customer service team is making you money or costing you money. We offer Customer Relationship Management training that empowers your frontline service team to create legendary customer satisfaction. Building teams that deliver service excellence is our specialty!

Leadership fundamentals

Many a times, individuals are promoted on merit of their technical abilities. They know their job so well, such that in the new senior position they inadvertently become micro-managers. The work environment becomes toxic and high employee turnover becomes the order of the day. Our professionals will help your management team understand that there is more to leadership than an arbitrary top/down command and control situation. Understanding the type of leader you are will help you create a balance in your leadership style.

Business development

As a business scales up, many processes and operations need restructuring. Our team has experience in guiding your organization through the many changes that occur with growth.

We’re at your service.